Startup Page

Please make ErikaWeb your browser's startup page so
that you may visit me each time you go online.
Then you can easily see all updates I'm doing...

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. Go to the ErikaWeb home page
  2. Click "View" on menu bar
  3. Click "Options"
  4. Select "Start and Search Pages" tab
  5. Click button "Use Current" then click "Apply"
  6. Click OK at the bottom of the Navigation box
Netscape Communicator
  1. Click "Edit" on menu bar
  2. Click "Preferences"
  3. Click the "Home Page" radio button
  4. In the "Location" text-entry box, enter
Netscape 3.0
  1. Click "Options" on the Netscape menu above the toolbar
  2. Click "General Preferences" on the pull-down menu
  3. Click on the tab called "Appearance"
  4. In the field called "Browser starts with," click the circle labeled "Home Page Location"
  5. In the field underneath the button, type in the text entry box
  6. Click OK at the bottom of the Appearance box
Netscape 2.0
  1. Click "Options" on menu bar
  2. Click "General Preferences"
  3. Select "Appearance" tab
  4. Type as your "Start With: Home Page Location"
  5. Click OK at the bottom of the Appearance box
AOL Web Browser
  1. Add ErikaWeb as your startup page by clicking "Prefs"
  2. Change Home Page location by typing