Things To Do With Snow

I would like to share some wonderful projects with you.

  • Make a snowflake

    This is a craft that you can do with your kids. Fold a round white doily into eighths and cut assorted shapes into all three sides of the shape. You could use silver doilies for a more formal or shimmering look.  Everyones will look different.
    OPTIONAL: Paint white glue over entire snowflake and then roll in irridisant glitter.

  • Make a snowy candle

    Ingredients: basic candle, tall 2lb, coffee can, washing detergent powder, egg beater, paraffin, cornstarch and some kind of a utensil for applying.  When you have all your ingredients ready then this what you need to do.

    1. Melt paraffin in the coffee can over the stove burner.
    2. Once the paraffin has melted add one T. of cornstarch per pound of wax.
    3. For added whiteness, add one T.of washing powder per poind of wax at anytime during the whipping.
    4. Start whipping the wax as soon as the skim forms on its surface.  The faster you beat the mixture the fluffier the wax.
    5. Once the mixture is frothy you can dab in on the candle.

  • Make a snow angel

    Lay down on your back in the snow and wave your arms and legs back and forth and up and down. Get up and you will have a snow angel in your yard.

  • Make Snow cones

    Pour asst. juices over fresh fallen snow. Tasty!

  • Make snow

    Paint the tips of tree branches with this mixture, it will harden. 2 cups of ivory snow detergent and 1/2 cup of water, beat this mixture with a electric mixer.